Jenny Barber
Early Years Trainer, Consultant and Author
Jenny Barber
Early Years Trainer, Consultant and Author
Email: jenny@je​
Phone: 07939 544335
Email: jenny@je​
Phone: 07939 544335
providing solutions to help your setting to be best
I offer a variety of services designed to support practice and improve and develop settings. The range of services I offer is broad and can be tailored specifically just for you.
•Quality assessments
•Business assessments
•Learning walk coaching
•Business sustainability and Marketing
•Material Change Inspection Support for School
•Nursery re-structuring and trouble shooting
•Mentoring and Coaching
•One to one training
•Mock Inspections
•Observation, support and guidance relating to specific behaviour issues
•Supporting practitioners by modelling practice in the setting
If you think I could help you, do get in touch to discuss your needs.