Jenny Barber
Early Years Trainer, Consultant and Author
Jenny Barber
Early Years Trainer, Consultant and Author
Email: jenny@je​
Phone: 07939 544335
Email: jenny@je​
Phone: 07939 544335
I travel all over the country and internationally, just ask!
The benefits:
- Preparation for your team, through being observed, asked questions and chatting..
- Preparation for the leadership team through joint observation, compliance checking, leadership questions and general feedback, support and advice.
- You will feel informed, supported and prepared.
- Receive a report which highlights evidence of good practice and suggestions of ways to develop and improve
- Up to date information and advice.
I have been carrying out mock inspections in settings for a several years and managers, leaders and practitioners have always found them supportive and informative.
The most common feedback is that I am very thorough and I'm in the setting much longer than Ofsted! Being thorough is important to me as that is the best way to give the most support, guidance and help to a setting.
I begin with a notification phone call, the day before.
I observe in all areas, carry out a learning walk, offer the opportunity for the leader/manager to carry out a joint observations, track a selection of children to look at progress and talk to their key carer. I also engage in discussion with practitioners about the activities and experiences they are providing for the children. Questions on other subjects are asked, including safeguarding.
I assess against the Ofsted criteria for the 4 inspection outcomes, against the criteria for good. At the end of the inspection I offer feedback, which is of a much more practical nature that that received in inspections. I also write a report highlighting good practice and with recommendations for development.
This is an outline of the day, timings are approximate:
- Arrival around 8am and begin with a chat with the manager
- Learning Walk, which is often combind with some observation and chatting with practitioenrs.
- Observations , these continue until the children have finished lunch. During that time I will talk to staff and do a joint observation with the manager.
- Documentation check and questions with manager if necessary
- Further observations
- Feedback
Afterwards I complete a written report detailing evidence and any improvement necessary.
Please contact me on 07939 544335 or email me at if you would like more information.